How to write a proposal paper
International Terrorism Research Paper Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
E portfolio assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
E portfolio task - Essay Example Appropriately, skulls are separated into three classifications. The warm blooded creatures like sheep, pigs, dairy animals and ponies have non-primate skulls. Mandrill, Gorilla and Chimpanzee has a place with non-human primate skulls. The third classification, called primate skulls subtleties the shape, size and other known boundaries of human skulls.(NS 201, p87) The investigation of recorded parts of life inside the extent of Biology identifies with biodiversity. Likewise, the ongoing space research results have excited the enthusiasm of numerous researchers to examine the chance of presence of life, in planets past earth, similar to Mars, Saturn or a few moons of Jupiter. Such examinations are called â€Å"exo-biology†.(NS 201, p34) Numerous types of creatures and people have regular attributes in their structures that show the likenesses of their life forms. In like manner, Homology identifies with concentrates toward this path. For instance, numerous similitudes are found in the structure of human skeleton and that of a chimpanzee. Numerous creatures from a typical ancessetor acquire the fundamental vertebrate â€Å"body plan†, despite the fact that they may have indirectly related life forms. Such creatures have homologous skeleton structures.(NS 201, p51) As per Darwin, normal choices are moderate and dependant on the natural changes. Consequently, these may not be recognizable during the lifetime of any researcher. In like manner, these instruments are concentrated with the assistance of reproductions, utilizing various techniques like directional, balancing out and troublesome choice models.(NS 201,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Moving to United States
Moving to United States The most critical occasion in my life was the point at which we moved out from Russia to a nation that changes lives and is known as a fairyland called the United States of America. At the point when we sat on the plane that was going toward the United States in August of 2004, we realized our lives will be changed in the manner we generally needed them to. Following twelve years of not going to class and being separated by Russian residents, this moving to another nation was the most stunning, in my life by and large, however for my whole family as well.The war began in Kabul, Afghanistan in July of 1994; moving to Russia was the main decision for my family to be sheltered despite the fact that we realized we would confront a great deal of challenges. I was just four years of age when my dad and my mom took me the most youthful in the family around then, three of my siblings, and two of my sisters to Moscow, Russia. On our way to the train that was going towa rd Russia, we lost my multi year old brother.This mishap nearly prevented us from moving out from the nation, however my dad settled on the correct decision either to search for his lost child or lose we all, so we needed to proceed onward. At the point when we at last showed up to Moscow, Russia in August of 1994, we didn't have any cash or a spot to remain. My dad recalled that he had a companion who had been living in Russia for a long time as of now; perhaps he could get us out until further notice to discover a spot to remain. He called him inside three hours of our quality to Moscow and inquired as to whether he could come and help us out.After 60 minutes, he showed up, and he took us to his home and he was glad of meeting my dad following twenty years. We remained at his home for a quarter of a year. After four months my dad obtained some cash from his companion, and we opened our private company where we were selling calfskin coats just to make a cash to eat and pay the leas e. After nine months, my dad attempted to take us to class, however they didn't acknowledge us since we didn't have any documentation that would permit us to go to class since we were unlawful in the country.It was hard and hard for our dad to see us not going to class and not getting the training that we required for our prospects; we even scarcely could go outside as a result of the residents of that nation would segregate you and judge you by your skin shading. One day my dad went to the migration place in Moscow and approached them on the off chance that we could apply for citizenship or a documentation that would permit his kids to go to class. The Russian movement place denied the solicitation at the time on account of some private explanation that they would not like to tell my father.Five years passed we despite everything couldn't go to state funded schools or be legitimate in the nation. My dad attempted it again and the Russian movement place gives us the documentation th at would permit us to live in the nation however it didn't permit us to go to class. At that point one morning my more seasoned sibling conversed with my dad, and he asserted that he wouldn't like to live in Russia any longer without instruction and that he needs to move to Holland with his companions. My dad was exceptionally disturbed and simultaneously lost that he is directly for to what extent are we going to be living like this.After three years of my siblings moving to Holland, my dad chooses to move to Sweden since that was the main nation around then that would acknowledge foreigners and give them the correct documentation to live in the nation. It was hard for him to leave us in the nation where the peril was around us consistently, however he realized he should accomplish something for his youngsters to have the option to go to class and live like the typical kids do. In August of 1999 he showed up in Sweden, and the Swedish migration place gave him transitory documentati on to live in the nation legitimately until they choose if he is qualified for citizenship.Very energized and cheerful our dad called us and disclosed to us that he persuaded the documentation to be lawful in the nation of Sweden. At the point when we heard that, we thought we going to move to Sweden very soon and that we going to be together, yet the Swedish migration place solicited us to hold up a couple from years then we may move in. We held up two years and nothing occurred, our dad was dismal and befuddled about what he could do now. Simultaneously, he knew there was nothing he could do; it was all up to the migration focal point of Sweden to choose our future.Then one day, it was our Holliday called Eid, my mom had her companion with her youngsters over at our home to have a supper with us, and she revealed to her that they are going to move to United States the following month. My mom was upbeat and energized for her companion and asked her how she did it. My mom disclosed to her that my dads had been in Sweden for a long time at this point and as yet nothing was going on. My mother’s companion disclosed to her she expected to apply at the United States migration focus that was situated in Moscow and attempt to check whether we would get accepted.Then the following day January of 2004 my mom and I went to the United States movement focus, and we applied for the changeless living arrangement boat to any state. Following two months, we got a call from the United States migration focus that we are planned for a meeting; we as a whole were energized and glad that we may move to United States, to a nation that is known as the fantasy land and opportunity. At the point when we give our meeting the individual who was talking with us asked us for what reason we needed to go to the United States.The answer was easy to the entirety of my family; it was training, opportunity from being separated in light of your skin shading, and just to live in harmony. After our meeting, he let us know, â€Å"I will see you all in America†That second was perhaps the best second in my live and I don't figure I would ever overlook it. We as a whole cried, and he disclosed to us it will take three months for them to accomplish our administrative work. At the point when we got our boarding passes to New York, we were stunned and exceptionally amped up for moving to a nation where we never envisioned moving in to. It was Sunday morning when we showed up in New York City International Airport.It was difficult for us to accept this was truly transpiring we were in America, a spot where nobody loathes you, a spot where they will permit you to go to class, and you can be what your identity is. Our lives changed in the wake of showing up in San Diego California, beneficial things began to occur in with us. At the point when we showed up here, there was an extremely kind noble man at the air terminal who met us. He presented himself as our case manag er. We didn't have a clue what a case manager truly implied, however what we knew that he was the main individual who could help us.That exceptionally kind man of honor who was our case manager took us to class and got us a condo. After two years we discovered our sibling following thirteen years who got lost at the hour of our moving from Afghanistan. Individuals have been stating that the United States of America can change people’s lives, and they were correct. It transformed us, and it is an incredible nation where the sky is the limit in the event that you attempt. My whole family and I generally had trust in our souls; we knew nothing should be possible on the off chance that you don't attempt and on the off chance that you don't have trust in a superior future.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Religious Freedom Free Essays
Strict opportunity involves an extraordinary spot in contemporary political conversations. It ought not. This isn't on the grounds that strict opportunity isn't significant but since it is no more and no less significant than different types of opportunity of still, small voice, conviction and practice. We will compose a custom article test on Strict Freedom or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now 2 Many devotees call attention to that confidence assumes a one of a kind job in their lives. That is frequently obvious. Those nonbelievers who excuse confidence in God as not any more dependable than faith in Santa Claus or in pixies overlook the main issue. Religion is in excess of a scholarly exercise or a matter of rationale; it regularly has, for devotees, a fundamental social and profound capacity. Be that as it may, recognizing the indispensable and extraordinary job of confidence in the lives of devotees doesn't submit us to furnishing it with a favored situation in the public eye. 3 The explanation that strict opportunity has an uncommon spot in contemporary political discussion is verifiable. Thoughts of resistance and of opportunity of articulation created in Europe from the seventeenth century onwards principally inside a strict structure. Inquiries of toleration and articulation were on a basic level inquiries of how, and how far, the state, and the built up chapel, ought to suit strict contradiction. We can see this in the contentions of John Locke, whose Letter Concerning Toleration is a key book in the improvement of current liberal thoughts regarding opportunity of articulation and love. Locke’s beginning stage was the request that the obligation of each individual was to look for his own salvation. The way to do so were his strict convictions and the capacity straightforwardly to venerate. The intensity of the political specialists couldn't legitimately reach out over either circle. Composed when Europe was lease by blustery strict hardship, and when prejudice and mistreatment were the standard, Locke’s was an amazing contention for strict opportunity. It was likewise an exceedingly limited origination of freedom. Locke’s toleration was established essentially in the longing to broaden opportunity of love and religious conversation to dissident assemblies and set little accentuation on more extensive issues of opportunity of thought or still, small voice. To be sure Locke was decided in declining to stretch out toleration to numerous different gatherings. Neither Catholics not skeptics were, in Locke’s see, meriting resistance, the previous in light of the fact that they gave their faithfulness to a ‘foreign prince’, the last on the grounds that their feelings were ‘contrary to human society’ and ‘to the safeguarding of common society’. 4 Locke’s close to contemporary, the Dutch scholar Baruch Spinoza, whose perspectives affected the Radical Enlightenment, proposed an alternate idea of resistance. Spinoza’s beginning stage, was not, as it was for Locke, the salvation of one’s soul, or the conjunction of houses of worship, however the improvement of opportunity, and the journey for singular freedom and opportunity of articulation. All endeavors to control free articulation, he demanded, abridged authentic opportunity as well as was useless. ‘No man†¦ can surrender his opportunity to pass judgment and think however he sees fit, everybody is by supreme characteristic right ace of his own thoughts’, Spinoza composed, so ‘it follows that articulate disappointment will go to any endeavor in a state to compel men to talk just as recommended by the sovereign in spite of their extraordinary and restricting feeling. ’ ’The right of the sovereign, both in the strict and mainstream spheres’, he closed, ‘should be limited to men’s activities, with everybody being permitted to think what he wishes and state what he thinks’. It is a more comprehensive vision of opportunity than Locke’s, and an increasingly helpful beginning stage †and end †when considering contemporary opportunity. 5 Modern thoughts of opportunity and resistance are generally observed, especially in the West, as having gotten from Locke. Truth be told they draw upon both Locke and Spinoza. The US First Amendment owes a lot to Spinoza’s origination of opportunity. Indeed, even in Europe, where opportunity of articulation is understood in smaller terms, Spinoza’s impact stays significant, if unacknowledged. In any case, in spite of the widening of the origination of freedom and resilience, the possibility that opportunity of religion is an extraordinary opportunity, a thought that gets essentially from Locke, stays settled in. 6 Today, we live in totally different world from that in which ideas of strict opportunity originally created. Religion is not, at this point the pot inside which political and scholarly discussions happen. Inquiries of opportunity and resistance are not about how the predominant strict foundation ought to react to disagreeing strict perspectives, yet about how much society ought to endure, and the law grant, discourse and movement that may be hostile, derisive, unsafe to people or sabotage national security. We would now be able to see all the more plainly that strict opportunity is anything but a unique sort of freedom yet one of a more extensive arrangement of opportunities. In the event that we were consider strict opportunity from first standards today, it would not have a unique spot contrasted with different types of opportunity of inner voice, conviction, get together or activity. 7 Whatever one’s convictions, common or strict, there ought to be finished opportunity to communicate them, shy of impelling savagery or different types of physical mischief to other people. Whatever one’s convictions, mainstream or strict, there ought to be opportunity to collect to advance them. Also, whatever one’s convictions, mainstream or strict, there ought to be opportunity to follow up on those convictions, inasmuch as in this manner one neither truly hurts another person without their assent, nor violates that individual’s rights in the open circle. These ought to be the basic standards by which we judge the reasonability of any conviction or act, regardless of whether strict or common. 8 Many on the two sides of the discussion about strict opportunity keep on regarding religion as uncommon. Numerous agnostics need to deny religion the rights concurred to others types of conviction. Numerous strict adherents need to hold benefits for religion. Both aren't right. 9 Some skeptics contend that secularism necessitates that religion be kept out of the open circle. It is a contention that can't be correct anything else than the case that the perspectives on racists, moderates, socialists or gay activists must be kept out of the open circle. A common space can't be one in which religion isn't allowed to be available. It is, fairly, a space wherein one religion is conceded no bit of leeway over another, nor over any common way of thinking or belief system. It should likewise be one, be that as it may, in which no religion is distraught concerning another religion, or regarding common ways of thinking and belief systems. 10 Numerous skeptics request additionally that strict images be restricted in the open circle. Numerous states and partnerships have forced such bans, from the refusal to permit the wearing of the cross in the working environment to the prohibiting of the burqa out in the open spots. Such bans are encroachments of the essential opportunities set out in #7. A business has each privilege to boycott sorts of apparel that may be, say, perilous in a specific work environment. The person in question additionally has the right, in specific conditions, and inside cutoff points, to demand that representatives wear a specific uniform, or to stop from wearing something wrong. Be that as it may, there ought to be no broad prohibition on specific types of dress or decoration, and positively no broad restriction on explicitly strict apparel or images. 11 The genuine predicaments with strict opportunity emerge out of inquiries not of convictions or images however of practices. Numerous convictions, strict and common, suggest specific practices. The conviction that homosexuality is a wrongdoing necessitates that one shun gay connections or gay sex. The conviction that life starts at origination necessitates that one doesn't have a fetus removal or help any other individual to do as such. Etc. As a general public we ought to endure similarly as is conceivable the longing of individuals to live as indicated by their inner voice. In any case, that toleration closes when somebody following up on their still, small voice makes hurt another without assent, or encroaches another’s certifiable rights. 12 It isn't simply on account of religion that there is a solid connection among conviction and practice. Racists, socialists, Greens, New Age spiritualists †all could guarantee that their convictions uphold upon them certain activities or practices. We don't, be that as it may, permit racists, socialists, Greens, or New Age spiritualists to follow up on their convictions if in this manner they hurt others or deny them their authentic rights. A supremacist bar proprietor can't ban dark individuals from his bar, anyway profound set his convictions. It would be a criminal offense for Greens to obliterate a farmer’s field of legitimately developed GM crops, anyway unequivocally they may feel about such agribusiness. There is a line, at the end of the day, that can't be crossed regardless of whether inner voice expects one to. That line ought to be in indistinguishable spot for strict adherents from for non-devotees. Society ought to suit the extent that is conceivable any activity really required by soul, however not where such acts hurts another or encroaches their privileges. Obviously, a strict adherent may guarantee that the individual in question faces an alternate sort of impulse to that felt by a supremacist, a socialist or any other individual connected to mainstream convictions. The individual may feel told by God to act with a specific goal in mind. It likely could be genuine that a devotee feels an alternate sort of impulse. However, the explanation behind which somebody feels constrained to act with a certain goal in mind isn't really applicable to whether such acts ought to be lawfully allowed. 13 The way that demonstrations of still, small voice may some of the time must be checked doesn't imply that in these cases there is a ‘conflict of rights’. Similarly as there is an option to free discourse however no privilege not to be off
Monday, June 15, 2020
Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal in Every State - Free Essay Example
Physician-Assisted Suicide, or PAS, consists of a terminally ill patient requesting to end their life on their own terms rather than letting the diagnosis determine their time of death. Patients are requesting to die with dignity instead of living their last moments in agony. Some can say that Physician-Assisted Suicide should not be an option. One can argue that human dignity and life are sacred or that doctors have a specific role in keeping their patients alive, but should anyone have a say so in how you choose to live or die? With the rising costs of healthcare, suffering through a painful diagnosis, and laws that protect the patient and the person administering the lethal medication; Physician-Assisted Suicide should be legal in all 50 states. People are diagnosed with terminal illnesses every single day. One of the first conversations a Physician will have with a patient is palliative care options which begin at the time of diagnosis. This offers the patient a care option when there are no known cures for their illness. In severe cases, the Physician might directly request that the patient is put in hospice. While palliative care offers hope for a cure, hospice may be suggested if the patient has a terminal illness which would lead to death in a shorter amount of time with only a treatment plan specialized for maintaining a patientrs comfort. Both options are extremely expensive since most insurance companies do not cover all services rendered under palliative or hospice care. Many insurance plans cover some palliative care services, such as pain management. But they tend not to cover services delivered by registered nurses, social workers and chaplains. Many Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance plans offer scant or no coverage of home visits, coordination of care, wound care, social and spiritual counseling, 24-hour hotlines, advanced care planning and family support(para 14). While palliative care reduces the number of hospitalizations and frequent trips to the emergency room, the average cost for receiving this service is $95.30 per day (Ollove). If a patient is put directly on hospice, Medicaid will pay all expenses while Medicare pays for most services. Those on Medicare are still responsible for paying room and board if they are in a nursing facility, emergency care, and any medication attempting to cure their i llness (Fay). All these additional costs to pursue care quickly add up. If the alternate option of PAS was legal, that number would drop drastically. The most well-known medication for induced death is known as Seconal. When prescribed under the Death with Dignity law, this medication can cost upwards of $5,000. Due to an increase in price, alternate mixtures have been developed in order to cut costs. The phenobarbital/chloral hydrate/morphine sulfate mix has been found to produce a similar effect and has lowered the cost of PAS from $5,000 to $500 (FAQS). Physician-Assisted Suicide would not only help lift financial burdens placed on the patients and their families, but it would also help prevent them from suffering. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is the first step on a long journey of pain, discomfort, and suffering. Depending on what diagnosis a patient receives will determine the amount of strain that will be placed on their body before they expire. Cancer is one of the leading causes of patients requesting Physician-Assisted Suicide. The effects of cancer itself are detrimental to oners health and the treatment options that are provided inflict more suffering. The side effects of treatment can include pain, nausea, swelling, memory loss, and becoming more susceptible to infections (Side Effects of Cancer Treatment). Along with cancer, AIDS also takes a toll on oners body. Once one is infected, they can expect to experience thrush, shingles, weight loss, and sores. As their infection grows, so does their unpleasant symptoms. The later stage of AIDS induces bacterial infections, fever, diarrhea, peripheral neuropathy, tuberculosis, and pneumonia (Mtwisha). There are several terminal illnesses that take a toll on everyone who is diagnosed. Patients should not be expected to live out their days in agony and their families should not have to watch them suffer. Legalizing PAS would put an end to their suffering and let the patients end their life on their own terms when they are ready. Choosing PAS is a viable option that is now legalized in California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and DC along with Montana by Supreme Court ruling (State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide). Although Physician-Assisted Suicide is legal, there are specific eligibility restrictions that the states must follow. The patient must be a resident of the states listed above, they must be 18 years or older, and must be mentally competent. Patients must also be diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to their passing within a six-month period. Patients must also be able to take their prescribed medication without assistance. There are no exceptions to any of these rules. To obtain the dosages of medication, the patient must first make an initial oral request for the lethal medication. The physician who receives the request must be licensed in the patientrs state and the request must take place in that state. Secondly, the physician must confirm that the pat ient meets all criteria and they are also responsible for discussing all alternative care options. A second physician must confirm the illness, life expectancy, and mental competence of the patient. If one physician finds that the patientrs judgement is flawed, a psychological evaluation will need to be done before the patient can move forward with the PAS process. After both physicians find that the patient meets all criteria, the patient must wait a minimum of 15 days to make the second oral request. Once the second request is made, the prescription is written. At any given time, the patient can change their mind. They can choose to not fill the prescription or if the prescription is already filled, they can choose not to take it.(How Death with Dignity Laws Work). These restrictions help protect the patient who chooses PSA and Physicians that administer the medication. Most believe that a doctorrs main objective in their career is to keep their patient alive. In specific cases, they are right. When doctors know that the patient can make a recovery with little to no consequences of the diagnosis, they are expected to do whatever it takes to make sure that they do not have to call time of death. Doctors also must keep the patientrs best interest in mind. There should be an option for patients that have no cure available to them to pass before the diagnosis takes over them and they are no longer that person that everyone else had known. Human dignity and life itself are considered sacred. Keeping someone alive is not the only way of showing dignity. What life does someone have when he or she is no longer able to enjoy it? The pain from terminal illnesses alone is enough for a patient to lead a miserable life. Human dignity and the sacredness of life is the quality of life, not the quantity. Dignity comes when someone is suffering, and people offer the ir support with all choices made by that patient and standing with them in their time of need. Physician-Assisted Suicide should be legal in all 50 states. Patients should not have to suffer until their diagnoses take their life. Patients deserve to die with dignity without spending the rest of their lives in pain and the financial burden that continuous healthcare places on them. Laws have been placed to protect not only the physicians but the patients as well. Patients should have their voices heard when it comes to their own lives especially when dealing with something as serious as life and death.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
How Business Strategy and Choices should be made - 700 Words
How Business Strategy and Choices should be made Business policies refer to the guidelines which are developed by an organization in order to govern its actions/operations. They help in defining the limits within which decisions can be made in accordance with Management Study Guide, (n.d). On the other hand, business strategy refers to a long term plan of action/s designed to achieve a certain goal or set of goals or even objectives (Rapid Business Intelligent Success, RBIS (n.d). The policies and strategies should be made in line with guiding principles. In business sphere, a business policy should be specific or definite. Making policy choices that are uncertain would imply that implementation would be difficult. Additionally, a†¦show more content†¦The choices are to be made in such a manner that the business is put on a competitive edge. Moreover, strategic choices are made according to the capabilities of the business to build and maintain in the competitive environment. Lastly, it is of great importance to consider the available management systems which are readily available in operation in order to build and maintain the key capabilities. We have several examples to illustrate the choice of policies and strategies. For instance, Corning Incorporated case study by Rebecca, Henderson and Cate (2009) has its strategic choices in innovation because it has a strong team of scientists in the research and development section. This is a strength to them and hence a capability. The policy of constant innovation makes the employees be regarded as career employees for long service. We also look at the case study of DDD (Anju, Grate and Jaime, 2009). The strategic choice to expand globally was due to its highly trained staff. However, its social policy and financial constraints impeded it from recruiting the best staff. Lastly, Compsis at crossroads (Jonathan and Paul, 2009) had strategic choices of expanding its ETC business to more powerful, flexible and user friendly SICAT due to the financial constraints it was facing. In a nutshell, strategic choices and policies are very important driving forces in a business enterprise. A business policy to beShow MoreRelatedRyanair Strategy1069 Words  | 5 Pagesworld. A corporate’s strategy mainly based on three steps: Identify the strategic position, make strategic choice and make strategic actions. Each step includes different aspects. When we identify the strategic position, we should analyses both internal and external environment, consider the purpose, capability and culture. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Leadership and Motivation Essay - 2846 Words
Leadership is a process where one person influences a group of others to achieve group or organizational goals- Leadership is thus about motivation. Table of Contents Topic Page Number 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Leadership 3 2.1 Leadership Definition 4 3 The Four Main Phases of Leadership Theory 4 4 Motivation 7 4.1 Motivation Models and Theories 7 5 Motivation and Leadership Styles 8 6 Case Study- Royal Bank of Scotland Group: Motivation and Leadership 10 7 Conclusion 11 References 14 1. Executive Summary This paper is about leadership and motivation. One of the main issues is whether a leader can effectively lead individuals (be they employees or not) without motivating them in way or another. Leadership is†¦show more content†¦Behavioral Here the focus has shifted from the leader to leadership. Two primary dimensions of behavior: task-orientation and follower-orientation. Thus, two types: authoritarian and democratic with differences reside in the focus of power. Productivity is expected to be higher in the democratic dimension. The theory suggests that effective leaders behave differently than less-effective leaders. There is job–centered behavior or initiating-structure behavior as opposed to employee-centered behavior or consideration behavior. Both styles are at ends of a single quantum. The behavior is an interaction of style and expectations. Example: An army officer shows behavior of high levels of conformity and appreciation and respect to the roles and expectations. In contrast to an employee in a research and development unit or a creative studio who strive on creativity and breaking the mould- thinking out of the box. Contingency Such theories are continuation of the situational approach to leadership. In these theories the factor of situation and behavioral aspects are taken into consideration. The leader’s appropriate behavior changes with situation. The favorableness of the situation depends on the leader’s interpretation and point of view. It takes more specific account ofShow MoreRelatedLeadership : Leadership And Motivation1867 Words  | 8 Pages LEADERSHIP BY: BENJAMIN CORONA LEADERSHIP AND MOTIVATION MGMT312 AMERICAN MILITARY UNIVERSITY 2/21/2017 Leadership can be viewed as many different things whether it be a trait, skill, or something that someone may just be born with. One thing for certain is that whether you have this characteristic or not, we will always need leadership figures. Some people are just followers their whole life and don’t get the chance to be leaders. 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Religious Aspects
Question: What is the Pink Dot Movement and Religious Aspectrs ? Answer : Introduction Since the day of Independence, Singapore has been one of the most diverse countries regarding ethnicity, religious communities, and languages under one, national identity. After the British left the country, it has become the home for diverse religious and ethnic groups. The country is mostly known for its tolerance towards the diversity. However, even in the past the religion and race were two primary issues that have become a threat to the social cohesion in Singapore. Therefore with several clashes over culture, ideology and moral values create tension in the country, especially over the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights (Wang, 2016). The Pink Dot movement has started on a random evening of May 2009, where around two thousand five hundred people gathered together, dressed in Pink and all were holding pink umbrellas, for forming a pink human formation, which was later known as the Pink Dot Movement in Singapore. Later it became a ritual which is repeate d every year, and the attendance rate has increased with the course of time. The movement has framed itself as the serious initiative of the LGBT citizens of the country as they want to claim the equal rights as the heterosexuals in the country. The Reaction of Religious Communities towards the Pink Dot Movement Since the beginning of the Pink Dot movement, it has become the flagship event of the gay community in Singapore. Not only it attracted the media coverage, but it also created several controversies every year while it was being held. This event was not merely a gay parade, but it inspired several similar pride parades in USA and UK as well. With the active organizations and many individuals who support the gay rights in the country, the parade has celebrated the day of recognition of the sexual diversity in Singapore (Tan, 2015). Now the movement has also attracted several commercial companies as it has gained the media attention as well. However, the way was never smooth for the movement, and there have been several oppositions to this movement. However, in 2014, a local Muslim teacher Ustaz Noor Deros had initiated a movement that can widely be seen as the counter movement of the Pink Dot movement. He had termed the movement as the Wear White' movement and called upon all the Musli m citizen of Singapore to support his movement and to wear white when they are attending the weekly prayers and the special Ramadan prayers on every Saturdays as well. He has asked to follow the movement as a symbol of supporting the traditional family values (Tan, 2017). This movement started on June 28th, 2014, on the very same day of the Pink Dot movement happened that year. Later in the same year a pro-family' advocate and Christian pastor, Lawrence Khong from the network of Love Singapore churches issued another statement where he called upon all the Christians of his network to be attired similarly in white while they are attending their church services on that weekend. The minister Lawrence Khong has pushed for another pro family movement with all the members of his churches network at the helm. He has titled his campaign as We wear white' and called on all the citizens of Singapore, regardless of religion and race to wear white on the 4th and 5th of June to support the pro natural family values. All these anti pink dot movements were positioned on the same date as the pink dot movement in 2016. Minister Khong have emphasized each time that the wear white movement was not directly in contradiction to the pink dot, yet he has defined his movement not being a direct pushing back to the LGBT movement in the country (Chiu et al., 2016). This wear white movement has also attracted the media coverage and is actively present in the social media to attract more followers. Through this movement the conservative population wants the LGBT activists to know that they have the majority of the population who will make their best effort to push the LGBT movement back. Rather they want to fight back the liberal ideology and the homosexual lifestyle that directly contradicts the law and legislations of the country. Not only the legislations, but they also believe, that the LGBT movement openly challenges the core national values of the country and the view of the majority of the population who believe in marriage, public morality and family structure. In the meantime, another founder of the movement had taken a step back contrasting Khnag's campaigning saying that his efforts are more directed towards the educational programs of the young Muslim population. However, these movements also received a mixed reaction from the general population. Significant Role of Religion in determining Morality, Identity and Politics Each society has a predominant cultural sense, especially with their religious roots. Religion in Singapore is mostly characterized by the various religious beliefs and different ethnicities who originate from different countries. Several types of research have indicated Singapore being the most religiously diverse country. In Singapore, Buddhism is the most followed religion, apart from that, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism are there (Oswin, 2014). There is always a close relationship between the relation and the society. Many believe that religion only happens in the religious places such as churches, temples or mosques, but with a closer view of the religious aspects of the society, it could be understood that both the religion and society are co-dependent and interconnected. In reality, religion is inherent in several aspects of the society, and the religious values affect the areas like cultural values, politics in an inevitable way. Despite being the home of diverse relig ious beliefs, the impact of religion in the societal life of Singapore is significant in different ways. Such as, it is supposed to be the secular country and it is suspicious of the religious organizations as most of the activities encroach into politics and cultural values (Tan, 2016). Frequently, there is not any strict separation between the both such as the recent issue over the Pink Dot movement and the section 377A where the conservative Christian and Muslim groups voiced in opposition. However, the religious doctrine should not be that much competent enough to have a direct influence on the status of the state. If looked at closely, there are two aspects of the religious doctrine in Singapore. There is an extensive religious environmentalism that requires an approach of multi faith if the majority of the population need to be communicated. However, there is also an environmental religious approach which cannot be exactly connected to the political action of the state since m ostly politics and religion act separately in Singapore (Lim, 2013). Therefore it needs to be more focused while conveying the environmental ethics to the religious population. In Singapore, the religion and politics are greatly connected, even if the government has insisted it being a secular state throughout. However, making it, a secular state can have a huge impact on the politics of Singapore. Secularism can have two different forms when it is looked from a political point of view, the first one being the suppersessionist' model that defines religion as the direct opposite of religion. This form of secularism is often viewed as the militant secularism (Tan, 2016). This form of secularism can mostly be found in the European expressions of secularism. However, in Singapore, the government follows a modest secularism which can also be defined the anti theocratic, but it is not anti religion. Therefore it rejects the political and ideological dominance by any religious belief and their followers; however, it accepts the worth of religion in the society. According to the Constitution of Singapore, it protects the religious freedom of each citizen. The state believes that everyone has the right to practice their religious beliefs, and this right has been extended to the point where not only the religious practice but the state also accepts the propagation of a certain religion (Mendes, 2015). Therefore it can be seen that despite calling the state secular the state of Singapore entirely acknowledges the significance of religion in the society. Furthermore, the religious aspects of the Singaporean population have a huge impact on the societal outlook, which can be seen in the aspect of criminalizing the section 377A and the pink dot movement occurring in Singapore. Starting as a small gathering of few people in 2009, the pink dot movement has been celebrating the liberty to love regardless of any sexual orientation. Over the years the movement has adopted the non-confrontational outlook towards the gay rights in the country. Wearing pink badges the movement has spread throughout the country being one of the biggest social gatherings in Singapore. However, the movement has made a point where it raises the issue that whether the general population of Singapore is viewing the event as a cultural war or the war of morality where the issues regarding ideology, identity, and behavior become the primary ones (Wilson, 2015). The religious groups have protested directly against the LGBT rights claiming that homosexuality is against the traditional family values. The wear white' campaign was the first interfaith cooperation that was supported by both the Christian and Muslim population of the country where the leaders of both the religion have asked their followers to wear white while they come to the church of the mosque. This issue with LGBT rights has exposed the multiple conservative layers in the Singaporean society. It shows the clear division between not only the secular and religious groups but also between the religious liberals and the conservatives and highlights the difference between the majority population of conservatives and the liberal minority. It shows that the section of the total population who find homosexuality to be morally disgusting and the other section who believe in the universal human rights. However, the most obvious and disturbing thing is the huge difference between the view of secular and religious groups regarding the issue of homosexuality (Lee, 2016). The pink dot movement h as shown that the conservative camp regarding the issue is mostly represented by the religious groups of the state where those who have a secular view regarding the issue are represented by the liberal camp. The Christian organizations such as National Council of Churches of Singapore, Love Singapore, Catholic Church and the Muslim organizations such as the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore have repeatedly protested against the pink dot movement and named homosexuality as a sin. They have always been passive about legalizing the gay rights in Singapore however not only the religious conservative, but there is also a huge section of the general population who think LGBT rights would be wrong, around seven people out of ten. Even the people who have no direct relation with any religion have shown the view of gay sex being wrong. This view is also not far from the views of the conservatives where nine out of ten Islam followers and eight out of ten Protestants think that gay sex w ould be wrong. It is also because of the reason that most of the religious groups think if the gay rights are recognized in the country, it will affect their practice of religious beliefs and they would not have the right to state whether a certain thing in morally right or not (Detenber et al., 2014). This made the issue with gay rights one of the biggest problems in the Singaporean society and made it a cultural and moral war between the two groups. However, the moral views of the general population are changing, and more groups are openly supporting legalizing the gay rights, which predicts more such moral and cultural conflict in the society. Distinguishing between Normative claims of Religion and the Scholarly Perspective of Religion In the course of studying religion, it can be distinguished into two distinct sections; the descriptive study of religion or the anthropological study of religion is concerned with the descriptive human behavior, whereas the theological study of religion is considered to be the normative part of it. The two sections are therefore are very much distinct as the scholarly perspective of the religion studies the people, their beliefs and the social systems. On the other hand, the normative study of religion is concerned with the theological study of it which studies the God and its impact on general people (Ho, Sherqueshaa Zheng, 2016). The scholarly study of religion is a product of modern Europe that encounters the beliefs, exploration and behaviors of the population, and sometimes it is considered to be the familiar ones and sometimes as the unexpected. The early scholars who have studied the descriptive religious beliefs were enthusiastic to collect and compare the general beliefs, rituals, myths that were found all over the world. These find its root back in the journals, diaries of the early explorers. This also studies the cross cultural views of people. Also to compare the beliefs in a non-comparative manner, the scholars have searched for the documentable and discernible differences and similarities without making any normative judgments that concerns whether the differences and similarities are derivative or original; modern or primitive; wrong or right. The scholarly study of religion will observe the differences and similarities of the religion and will theorize why any of them are occurring in that specific place. However, the normative claims of the religion will concern the Gods and how they influence the general people. The normative approach to the religion will account the basic differences while arguing that one side is wrong or sinful and the other side to be right, and the anthropological approach will theorize all the differences and similari ties between the belief systems and find its relation back with the psychology of people (Yue Leung, 2015). In other words, the normative approach of religion is the study that is practiced with the presumption that the religious behaviors, beliefs and the religious institution are observable; however, the scholarly approach of religion leaves the study after a point where they cannot find the root back and leaves it on the theologians. Regarding the pink dot movement, the scholars have mostly made the scholarly approach towards the movement that finds the relation between the religion and the movement and how the religions have influenced the movement and the reactions against it. However, in most cases, the theological root is not present in that approach (Lim, 2013). However, few researchers comment that the religious groups are against the gay rights as they think if the LGBT community is given their rights as the minorities, it would be difficult for the religious groups to be the moral guardian of the population. Therefore they will not have the right to say whether a deed is right or wrong. Critical Cultural Relativism in Singapore regarding the Pink Dot Movement Pink Dot movement has been a growing concern in Singapore regarding the political developments which have been increasingly referred as the cultural war by the Singaporean media. The political analysts have indicated that this cultural war defines the new period of political actions over the gaps in value and cultural claims. This puts not only the quiet political and cultural space at stake but also the collective cultural identity as the citizen of the democratic state. It is quite impossible to state the phase where the Singaporeans have entered the new era of cultural pluralism, but several issues have made this issue prominent. The wear white' movement in against to the pink dot movement is one of them. The issue of LGBT rights is one of the most prominent issues after the petition of repealing the section 377A of the penal code of Singapore, which then criminalizes the gay rights (Wilson, 2015). There have been many prominent public disagreements between the anti and pro-LGBT r ights activists since the repealing of the act. There have been public debates over the pro-family issues and the growing concern about the LGBT rights. However, the controversy has taken the most prominent turn while the counter protests of the pink dot movement have started by the religious people. The growing issue with the public confrontation regarding the LGBT rights does not indicate to a peaceful coexistence of all the social groups in Singapore. However, the cultural wars also suggest that this issue is not at all unique to the world. The pluralism of value is an inevitable fact of the multi-ethnic and the multi-cultural states, and it does not necessarily mean that these disagreements will end up being more violent. However, there has not been any case of violence regarding this issue, which indicates that these cultural conflicts can be solved in a peaceful manner. As the political scenario in Singapore is evolving and the government is trying to cope up with the new mode ls that should become accustomed to new conditions and the rising expectation of the citizens (Mendes, 2015). Since the independence, the Singaporean government has changed their models. In the recent times, while there is a situation with the value pluralism, the government needs to take the lead on the contentious moral and cultural issues. The societal norms should not rely only on the conventional norms rather it needs to deal with the antagonism and the value pluralism in a democratic way. Conclusion Before the Pink Dot Movement, the Gay activism was not flourishing sufficiently. Also, the social attitude towards the homosexual people has been mostly negative in Singapore. However, looking at the gay movement in Singapore shows that the gay community of the country has mostly been found behind the closed doors or within the virtual space. It is also due to the Legislature of Singapore, as the homosexuals acts have been declared to be criminalized under the section 377A of the Penal Code of the country. Also, the Societies Act has refused to identify the non-profit organizations which focus on the societal issues regarding homosexuality. Through this movement, the issue of homosexuality has escaped the private space and came in the public consciousness, which has grabbed the attention of media. Even if Pink Dot movement have not yet served any significant purpose in the gay rights in Singapore, but the socio-political movement is quite unnatural as a social initiative. However, th e campaign has marked its prominence in the country which could craft the frame of gay rights in Singapore. Therefore the governments should take effective steps so that the cultural and moral contradiction does not turn into a worse situation and have a peaceful coexistence of both the groups. Reference List Chiu, M. Y., Lim, K. H., Chan, K., Evans, S., Huxley, P. J. (2016). What does social inclusion mean to Singaporeans? A qualitative study of the concept of social inclusion.Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development,26(2-3), 64-76. Chng, B., Jamil, S. (2015). Human Security in Singapore: Where Entitlement Feeds Insecurity. Detenber, B. H., Cenite, M., Zhou, S., Malik, S., Neo, R. L. (2014). 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